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Don't Give Up On The Brink Of A Miracle!

Don't give up on the brink of a miracle

Because of the challenges and opposition we sometimes face in life, there's probably not one of us who hasn't at one time or another thought, what's the use, I might as well quit and give up!

In the face of sometimes insurmountable difficulties, godly men and women in the Bible had to make the same decision Christians today must make: Should I quit? Should I just give up and forget what God has promised me? God has given to each of us promises in His Word and many times He has revealed to us aspects of His plan for our lives. But when everything looks bleak all around us - when there seems to be no possible hope for receiving what God has promised us - should we give up all hope in what God has told us? As I studied the lives of men and women of great faith who had the same weaknesses of the flesh that I do, and who struggled with their own human inadequacies and inabilities as I do, I came to the conclusion that they didn't overcome the obstacles in their own strength. Their faith in God was the secret of their success. They believed God would bring them through every difficulty and through every trial into what He had promised them. They were just ordinary people like you and me and came from all walks of life. Quitting would have been the easy way out. It took faith to stand! In every circumstance, it was perseverance of faith that brought them through.

What is Faith? The bible says in Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen." Faith in God will always bring us through no matter what the trial, and no matter what the circumstance! No matter how high that mountain seems to be, with God's help, we can overcome it!

Don't give up on the brink of a miracle Don't give in, God is still on the throne Don't give up on the brink of a miracle Don't give up, remember you're not alone

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