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Learn To Be A Channel - Not A Reservoir

WHAT'S A LIFE WITHOUT THE GIVER! One of the biggest mistakes you and I can make when God calls us to do something is to look at our own resources to see if we're qualified for the assignment. When He says to us, 'Meet this need', 'Help that leader', 'Go here, go there' that means He is ready to supply us with more than enough to do it. Our responsibility is simply to bring what we have to Him. He has set us free from the shortage mentality, the lack mentality, the poverty mentality, and the never enough mentality.

True prosperity is the ability to apply the power of God

to meet any need - spiritual, mental or physical.

So often, what we hold onto, we will lose. We can choose to be a channel that God flows through to bless others around us or we can hold onto what we have. When you believe God is impressing on your heart to do something, TRUST HIM to provide what you need to do it.

A true story to share with you: I was going for a walk one day, praying as I went, and I heard in my spirit, "Take the family to Kenneth Haggin's camp meeting in Tulsa Oklahoma this summer, I want to change your son's heart." This wasn't something I was thinking about at all. So I went home and told my husband and we both decided that if this is what we needed to do, we would put our faith towards this and believe God to bring the finances in to make this happen. We didn't have the money to go to this conference without putting it on our charge card and we had already decided that we weren't going to do that, as this would put pressure on us financially later on. My husband's job provided well for our everyday needs, but with three sons 9, 13 and 14 years of age there was no money left at the end of the month to go on a trip. Our oldest son was on a rep soccer team in Peterborough, our middle son was writing and producing his first music album and our third son was playing AAA hockey at the time. Moving forward, we contacted friends of ours whose son lived in Tulsa Oklahoma, attending Oral Roberts University and it just so happened that their place was available to stay in for the week that we needed it for camp meeting. These friends said they wanted to bless us and didn't charge us anything to stay in their home that week. A few nights before we left, someone else dropped an envelope in our mail box with $500. in it and this covered the rest of our expenses. We were in awe of the amazing God that we serve and how when He speaks and we obey, He provides our every need. As it turned out, God was faithful to His word to me, saying that He wanted to work in the hearts of our boys. They were exposed to thousands of Christian kids their ages, while hearing inspired spirit filled messages and having the time of their life. It was definitely a life changer for all of them! To add to this blessing, we were all able to go on a tour of Oral Robert's University and see with our own eyes the University that was built on Oral Robert's vision from God, through faith in a God that proved to be exceedingly abundant above all he could ever ask or think.

Don't ever underestimate what God can do through a yielded vessel and an obedient heart. Whatever He says to do, do it!

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